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Friday, August 7, 2009

My Love-Hate Relationship With iTMS

iTunes Music Store, why can't I quit you? Since the beginning, I have had a love-hate relationship with you and your ways. I put up with paying the price you ask in exchange for ease of use and the ability to quickly find and download tracks I want. Your seamless functionality with my iPhone makes me forget that you sometimes only carry partial albums of the electronic music I love so deeply. I tolerate your lower audio quality and DRM in exchange for your music recommendations and guilt-free listening enjoyment knowing that did not jip my favorite artists out of a few bucks.

With all your good qualities like the App Store, movies, and podcasts how can a girl not be satisfied? Well, dear iTMS, let me tell you why you're in the dog house. I paid for a collection of children's music for my son and when I tried to burn a MP3 CD of the songs to play in my car, you denied me. You jumped up and down in the bottom of my screen and alerted me the tracks I purchased from you could not be burned to an MP3 CD. How dare you!

Yes, I know I could burn a bunch of individual audio CDs of the music, but have you ever had to listen to the same 10 children's songs in the car over and over again? It is torture! A second option is to take the time to burn audio CDs and reimport the music as MP3s and then burn them yet again to a single MP3 CD. Exhausting! Furthermore, explain to me why it is easier to illegally download music and burn a MP3 CD in less steps than music I legitimately paid for using your service? Why are you making me jump through hoops? Even if you're business model is to sell iPods and iPhones, I'm curious why your top priority would not be making me and your many other loyal customers happy.

I've given you my support and my hard earned money, but you spit in my face and tell me I cannot do what I want with the music I purchase from you. But alas, I cannot quit you because I am entangled in your evil web of hardware and software that I cannot live without, so for now, our love-hate relationship will go on.

UPDATE: I forgot to mention the children's music was purchased before iTMS went DRM-free, and of course I can update the music in my library at a cost. I checked and DRM-free tunes can be converted to MP3, and I assume they can be burned to MP3 CD. However, I don't feel I should have to pay extra money to convert songs I paid for in the first place.

UPDATE: Poll Results 8/7/09 - 8/14/09

Do you love or hate the iTunes Music Store?

50% Love it!
25% Hate it!
25% It's ok.
00% I've had better.

Twitter Attacked To Silence One Or Silence All?

Yesterday, many social networking and blogging sites, including Twitter and facebook, were brought to their knees because of a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack. According to CNet, the cyber attack was implemented by Russian hackers to silence an outspoken pro-Georgian blogger who goes by the name "Cyxymu."

I have never even heard about Cyxymu or his blog until today, therefor I have my doubts that an individual with little influence in the rest of the world would be the target of an attack this momentous. Number one, a DDoS attack would only cripple a site for a short period of time, so if the hackers' intention was to single out this blogger and silence him, it wasn't very effective. Number two, the attack brought so much media attention, Cyxymu will gain numerous more followers and supporters now making the scheme counter-productive on the hackers' part.

This whole scenario just doesn't add up to me. Either the hackers who launched this attack were amateurs, or the attack was not focused on silencing one person but to temporarily silence us all. Many attacks like this have no motivation other than to prove it can be done.

I'm curious what your feeling are on the DDoS attacks yesterday. Could it be politically motivated or just random? Are we making too big of a deal about social media being shut down for a few hours? Please share you thoughts.