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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Technology And A Healthy Lifestyle

As I continue my culinary adventure on a no sugar, no flour diet, I have found many helpful resources on the web and iPhone apps that will help me achieve my dietary goals throughout the rest of Lent and stay on track for a healthier lifestyle after the Season of Lent has passed.

My number one pick for iPhone apps is Fooducate. This apps allows you to use the iPhone camera to scan barcodes on food products, and rates the product with a letter grade value of healthiness with a thorough breakdown of what is in the product. The app also provides healthier alternatives to scanned items and a comparison tool which comes in handy when trying to choose between food products at the supermarket. There is a social aspect to the app that lets you like or not like products, add tidbits, and share the information your learned on Facebook and Twitter. I really like this app, but I must warn you the first day I downloaded the app, I scanned all the food in my house. It's very addictive, but the information provided by Foodicate is valuable for anyone who wants to learn more about what they're eating or find healthier alternatives.

My top recipe search site is Foodily. This site aggregates recipes from all over the web and presents them side by side for comparison. You can specify ingredients to exclude from search results making this site a must for anyone with dietary restrictions or on a special diet. The interface is very clean and simple to follow. Foodily includes social aspects that allow you share recipes with your friends on Facebook and Twitter. You can also log in using Facebook Connect to save recipes and plan menus. I highly recommend Foodily to anyone who uses the web to search for recipes. It will save you time and make finding the perfect recipe much easier.

As someone who is striving for a healthier lifestyle, I believe the use of technology is essential for my success. I'm curious what recipe sites or iPhone apps you are using, and is there any other tools or resources you find valuable for eating and living a healthy lifestyle?

UPDATE: Poll Results 3/15/11 - 3/22/11

Does technology play an important role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle?

75% Yes
25% Somewhat
00% No
00% Meh

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